I Want Build Back Better For Christmas

Dear Editor,

All I want for Christmas is for the senate to pass the Build Back Better bill. I know I am not alone when I say that the lack of political will to address solvable societal problems is disheartening. But now there is a piece of legislation that can actually begin to address these issues, including poverty, homelessness, and climate change. We just need our senators to pass it.

It may seem like a no-brainer for our Congress members to pass legislation that will keep children out of poverty and prevent others from being taxed into it, but Senator Sinema and Senator Manchin are two wildcards who have yet to confirm their support. The hold-up appears to be economic, but 17 Nobel-winning economists have already determined that this bill will ease longer-term inflationary pressures and boost the economy.

Let’s hope our members of Congress make Santa’s nice list and vote YES on the Build Back Better bill before the end of the year.

Rayna Castillo
Tempe, Arizona

"Build Back Better"