Congress Must Reject Harmful Cuts To Medicare Advantage

Dear Editor,

Aging is an expensive journey which, even at 79, I’m still figuring out. While I am incredibly lucky to have Social Security benefits, there are still significant financial stresses for a senior living on a fixed income. Thanks to Medicare Advantage, undue health insurance costs don’t have to be one of them.

Prices are going up for medications and treatments, so the out-of-pocket cap that comes with my Medicare Advantage plan has been crucial in ensuring I can access the prescriptions I need without breaking the bank.

But Medicare Advantage is about more than access to affordable health care. The limited costs associated with my plan allow me to pay for other basic necessities in my life, including my home. If Congress cuts funding from this program, Arizona seniors like me will be hurt.

There are 27 million people in this country who depend on Medicare Advantage, including nearly 600,000 Arizonans. It is my sincere hope that you will stand with us and reject harmful cuts to this vital program.

Jon Stetson
Tucson, AZ

congressJon StetsonMedicare Advantage