Scottsdale Unified Accused Of Using “Unitown Club” As Cover For Gender Identity Propaganda

Scottsdale Unified School District parents are being warned about one more club dedicated in part to students’ gender identity.

At a time when parents are actively trying to steer their kids away from the District’s many Genders Sexuality Alliance (GSA) clubs, they must now put the Unitown Club on their list of must avoids.

Critics say the “Unitown” Club sounds innocent based on the club description on the “To promote leadership, diversity, and understanding between students through discussion, dialogue and activities.” However, correspondence between District staff members appear to show that the program has an inordinate focus on gender identity and students’ sexuality.

Emails obtained from SUSD reveal that Scottsdale Online Learning Counselor Gary Griggs helped Michelle Schulke (Librarian and Sexuality Club Sponsor, Desert Mountain High School), Amanda Turner (Social Worker, Coronado High School), John Acedo (Social Worker, Coronado High School) and Jordan Rey (Art Teacher and Unitown Club sponsor, Chaparral High School) plan a “sexuality program” that utilizes Anytown Leadership Camp’s Safe Zone and Sexuality Orientation curriculum.


The Anytown Sexual Orientation “Herman’s Head” skit provides minor children a suggested dialog in which a gender-confused child’s parents, church, best friend, and current gender-opposite partner are all perplexed and hurt by the child’s gender revelations, and a new potential gender-aligned partner feels eager. The narrative instructs the characters to talk loudly at the gender-confused child until the child explodes with frustration. The skit then suggests that the gender-confused child take out a toy gun to suggest the idea of suicide. Anytown suggests that the skit conclude with a panel discussion in which they discuss “how the straight couple answered the concerns raised by the audience.”

Anytown’s Sexual Orientation programming also asks kids to question their heterosexuality by suggesting the following questions should be posed to minors by adults who are not their parents:

  1. What do you think caused your heterosexuality?
  2. If you’ve never slept with a person of the same sex, is it possible that all you need a good gay/lesbian lover?
  3. Is it possible that your heterosexuality stems from a neurotic fear of others of the same sex?
  4. To whom have you disclosed your heterosexual tendencies?
  5. Why do you insist on flaunting your heterosexuality?

Anytown’s Safe Zone Training’s ultimate goal is to convince children that sexual orientation and gender identity are not the same. It asks children to consider “What is true about your identity?”

In the final Safe Zone training is “Part 4: Gender Unicorn + Spectrum,” children are asked to physically place themselves along a gender spectrum related to “gender identity and gender expression.”  Facilitators are asked to designate the end of each spectrum in the room: Woman to Man and Feminine to Masculine.


In conclusion, campers are informed that later in the evening they will be divided into groups based on their new-found gender identity, with choices including “Women, Gender Expansive, or Men.”

“What are the chances that your child could attend this Scottsdale Unified-sponsored camp and leave as just a boy or a girl?” asked one concerned Scottsdale parent, who wished to remain anonymous due to the increasingly hostile environment parents are experiencing at District schools. “They take extremely mature subjects, surround them with almost infantile artwork, in order to indoctrinate mostly minor high school students. Why? Why is this necessary?”

The following are excerpts from the Antytown Sexual Orientation Exercises and Anytown Safe Zone Training:

unitown unitown

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