Tennessee Woman Drowns Near Pipe Creek Beach On Colorado River Trip

On June 11, at approximately 2:00 p.m., the Grand Canyon Regional Communications Center received a report of a passenger on a commercial river trip who had fallen into the Colorado River. Commercial guides were able to reach the woman, Sheetal Patel, by boat.

The commercial guides pulled her from the river and began CPR.

National Park Service (NPS) search and rescue personnel responded and assisted with resuscitation efforts. Park rangers were flown into the location by the park helicopter and pronounced the individual deceased.

The 47-year old Patel was originally of Chicago, Illinois, and most recently from Chattanooga, Tennessee. Patel was cooling off along Pipe Creek Beach, when she was caught by the current in the Colorado River. Patel hiked into the canyon to meet the river trip at Phantom Ranch, and was beginning a multi-day boating trip.

An investigation into the incident is being conducted by the NPS in coordination with the Coconino County Medical Examiner.

Colorado RiverSheetal Patel