Kosher Kat’s Out the Bag: Zinman Rallies Tucson Jews Over Finchem

Well, as my Granddad used to say, “it had to happen.”   One of Tucson’s many great rabbinical-wannabe, Jewish nobodies finally lets the kosher kat out the bag, full frontal, in [yet again], a classic fear-larded, Greta Thunberg-style, “How-dare-you?” tirade.

Via Sunday’s (8/28) main op-ed in the digital RedStar (where else?), entitled “Mark Finchem is dangerous to the Tucson Jewish community.”  Authored by Tony Zinman.

Inasmuch as Mr. Zinman has made the greatest issue of his Jewishness, I think it’s only fitting we stick with that topic.   And since I was one of the adopted little Goyim in a small southern town of entrepreneurial, rowdy & irreverent ‘Southern Jews,’ I may be uniquely qualified to answer the Z-man’s self-entitled, sanctimonious epistle.

In Sunday’s op-ed, Zinman proceeds to list 7 distinct ways Mark Finchem is “dangerous.”  All involve guilt-by-association with groups, people, or ideas Jews don’t like, because maybe a part of these organizations’ thematic approach doesn’t jive with modern, non-secular Jewish liberalism.  And of course, only they (the Jews) can determine this.

I can still relate to this “all or nothing” kind of intellectual perfectionism, demanded by status-seekers like Zinman.  It all harkens back to Nazi Germany, and its singular great disruption in the course of Jewish history.  That said, a lot of us are getting tired of this same old liberal bludgeon, especially after more than 75+ years.

Never forget, Yes…. But give it a rest, OK?  As noted author, David Brooks (a Jew) once said, even about Trump (who has a Jewish son-in-law & grandkids), “we’d pretty much know by now if he (Trump) was another Hitler.”  The real Hitler wanted to kill Jews when he was in his Hipster-phase, back in Pre-War (WW1) Vienna.   Finchem has never made such outlandish claims.

The problem I see, relocated Jews to Arizona, believe they can still play the “Holocaust Card” (instantly giving them credibility), when it comes to preaching liberal values.  And oh boy howdy, do they do that.  It epitomizes what Dr. Milton Friedman (a Jew) always warned about, “Liberals judge their self-worth by their good intentions, not the actual results.”  The City of Tucson being “Exhibit A.”

I might say conservative Jews, like the great Dennis Praeger, have never played the H-card.  His ideas always stand on their own merits. 

For a “race” that has produced some of the clearest thinkers in science & engineering (Einstein, Oppenheimer, Rickover, etc.), they’re as human as everyone else.  One only has to notice the [bloodthirsty] right-brain thinkers among them, i.e. Marx, Alinsky, Trotsky, et al.   Mr. Zinman is definitely right-brain dominant; as reformed-commie David Horowitz (a Jew) once said, “inside every Progressive is a totalitarian screaming to get out.”

Also, collective racial or tribal guilt is not one of my Celtic traits, so I can’t really identify with Jews’ persistent use of government to right all the wrongs of our mortal existence, (certainly never stopped them, that’s for sure!)  Rabbi Z-Man is no exception.

I really wish Tucson’s large & wealthy Jewish establishment (13th most Jewish City in America according to The Daily Beast) would reflect long & hard on how their guilt-larded support of the Tucson Hard-Left has made the place WORSE OFF, by every acceptable (non-Finchem, sterilized) measure.

So stop listening to paranoid hysterics like Tony Zinman. (and get Tucson a good NYC Jewish deli!)

Sellers is a Southpark Republican living in incorporated Oro Valley; his background is federal technology commercialization