Richer Riggs Election: Sunday’s Comic

stephen richer

Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer Has Violated The Public’s Trust And Disenfranchised Voters

Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer has disappointed many of his fellow Republicans and supporters since taking office, including me. As someone who was a staunch supporter of Richer, distributed his campaign literature in my neighborhood, and convinced as many people as I could to vote for him, I find his latest actions to be not only disappointing but deserving of scrutiny on multiple levels.

Recorder Richer has already essentially admitted to breaking Arizona law by using public resources to publish a statement on behalf of the Arizona Association of County Recorders (AACR) opposing Proposition 309. However, it seems to think it was a minor misstep of little consequence…

READ MORE — Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer Has Violated The Public’s Trust And Disenfranchised Voters >>>