Arizona Fights To Keep Title 42 In Place

Arizona is asking the United States District of Columbia District Court to permit a group of states led by Arizona and Louisiana to intervene in Huisha-Huisha v. Mayorkas, a case in which a judge terminated the Title 42 policy.

According to the Attorney General’s Office, this policy is one of the last remaining tools at the southern border.

“Not only has the federal government failed in its statutory duty to comply with the Administrative Procedure Act, but it is actively exploiting a goodwill exception to render Title 42 meaningless in clear defiance of the court,” said Attorney General Mark Brnovich. “We must intervene once again to combat the Biden administration’s deliberate and continued lawlessness.”

Without intervention, Brnovich says Title 42 will cease to exist on December 21, dramatically worsening the border crisis right before Christmas. As the states’ motion explains, termination of Title 42 will exacerbate “the costs imposed on the States. Allowing intervention will ensure those interests are represented.”

Joining Brnovich are the attorneys general of Louisiana, Alabama, Alaska, Kansas, Kentucky, Mississippi, Nebraska, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Texas, Virginia, West Virginia, and Wyoming.