AZ Legislature Week In Review – Week Ending March 10, 2023

ERRATA. On my February 24 review, I erroneously stated that Governor Hobbs had vetoed senate bill SB1305 when in fact she had not. That error was the result of inaccurate information that I failed to verify.

On this week 9, the error became prophetic, as the governor did in fact veto SB1305.

This bill would have prohibited the teaching of racism in our government schools. If this were not such an important and serious topic, it would be amusing to listen to the two main arguments against SB1305. One argument is that CRT is not being taught in government schools. The other argument is that it is not racism, but history. The second argument is an admission that contradicts the first argument.

For a thorough discussion of this and related topics, go to a recent ADI article on the subject by clicking HERE .

On the legislative front, there was a lot of activity, most of it revolving around election-related bills. Here are two of the more controversial bills on that subject:

HB2308 – secretary of state; election; recusal It makes a lot of sense to prohibit the secretary of state from overseeing his/her own election. This is particularly true regarding our previous SOS.

SB1141 – early ballot drop off; identification Enforcing the prohibition against ballot stuffing has proven to be a difficult endeavor. Enactment of this bill would be a big step in that direction.

Both bills cleared their committee hearings along party lines.

Next week is going to be another week with a lot of committee activity, which will revolve around most of the major subjects, like education, elections, energy, and transportation. In all our call to action will contain 29 bills. This presents a great opportunity for you the people to contact legislators via email, telephone, and/or the RTS system. Click HERE for a look at our full call to action, and links to the activity around our governor.