Muslim Terrorist Front Group Falsely Accuses Phoenix Journalist of Death Threat

CAIR attempts to dismiss any questioning of its political agenda as a sign of "Islamophobia."

A terrorist front group, Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), has falsely accused a Phoenix journalist of facilitating an alleged death threat against Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib (D-MI).

CAIR has been repeatedly identified as a conspirator for HAMAS, a designated Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO). In 2008, the FBI suspended relations with CAIR due to its relationship as a co-conspirator with HAMAS, as identified in U.S. v. the Holy Land Foundation. Over the past 20 years, several local and national leaders of CAIR and its parent organization, Islamic Association for Palestine, were imprisoned on terrorism-related charges (see: Muthana Al-Hanooti, Sami Al-Arian, Abdurahman Alamoudi, Randall Todd Royer, Bassem Khafagi, and Rabih Kaddad).

On Tuesday, CAIR National posted a clipped screen recording of a “pro-Israel” X Space (formerly Twitter Space) attended by Phoenix journalist Sean Campbell and over 200 others in which an unverified and unidentified user approved to speak, “George,” suggested that a shooter would have to be far away and not inside the event. That individual was immediately reprimanded by another speaker and removed from the online event.

“What I’m hearing is that if you want a shooter at the event, you need to do it from far away,” said George.

CAIR National posted that remark as proof of America being anti-Islam and anti-Palestine, and claimed that the remark prompted an end to the X Space. However, the full version of the conversation — posted later by Campbell — showed that the X Space went on for another 12 minutes about other topics.

“This bone-chilling discussion among pro-Israel activists on Twitter about ways to harass, disrupt and even shoot Rep. Rashida Tlaib is just the latest proof that Islamophobia & anti-Palestinian racism have gotten absolutely out of control in our country,” stated CAIR National.

Podcaster Lowkey, host of “The Watchdog” for Mint Press News, amplified the clip in a viral post.

CAIR’s Arizona chapter also issued a press release to amplify the accusation.

In response, Campbell accused CAIR National of selectively editing the clip with certain usernames displayed on the screen recording in order to target innocents.

“When you say there is a rise in Islamophobia, are you referring to hundreds of death threats I’ve received by your followers? Is there Catholicphobia?” asked Campbell.

Campbell also posted the full 18-minute conversation. He urged the Arizona and national CAIR organizations to reach out to him and others included in the X Space for comment. Campbell revealed that he had obtained counsel for legal action.

A host of that controversial X Space, Bryan Cunningham, issued a press release accusing CAIR of engaging in a lie of omission. Fellow X Space hosts Monica Matthews, a radio host, and anonymous users @dazzle900 and @lion_4_zion signed onto the statement.

Cunningham noted that he and others leading the X Space didn’t have any knowledge of or affiliation with the “George” individual. Cunningham also noted that he and others reported “George” to X security, the FBI, and the U.S. Capitol Police.

“[CAIR] is knowingly promoting lies of omission (at least) against us right now, via a deliberately manipulated audio recording,” said Cunningham. “An individual in an open, public space, who had been granted access to speak, whether a deranged person or a deliberate provocateur, suggested using a weapon to attack a U.S. Representative. We stopped and removed this potentially dangerous person. Yet CAIR attempts to smear us with a dangerous, hateful statement made by someone who was immediately removed from the space by us.”

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