We have never seen the losers in a NASCAR race take a victory lap, but we need not fret. We are seeing a similar behavior being exhibited by some radical organizations, including Chicanos Por La Causa and Poder Latinx, as they claim victory, when they were handed a resounding defeat regarding voter eligibility in Arizona.
In 2022, Arizona enacted into law two bills, HB2492 and HB2243, aimed at allowing only U. S. citizens to vote in Arizona elections.
The law suit that was brought up against these two bills claimed that these laws were discriminatory toward minority communities, but nothing could be further from the truth.
The judge involved, U.S. District Judge Susan Bolton, concluded in her opinion that Arizona legislators did not discriminate when they adopted these laws. As the use of common-sense dictates, it is in the best interest of the state, and quite appropriate, that the right to vote be limited to U. S. citizens. The only way to ensure this is to require credible proof of citizenship when registering to vote.
The only significant portion of these laws that was struck down was the requirement that documents used to prove citizenship contain the place of birth of the applicant.
But this is hardly a victory or a reason to rejoice by the likes of Chicanos Por La Causa, Poder Latinx, and others, because the place of birth requirement is moot. Most, if not all, documents used to proof citizenship, like passports, birth certificates, and naturalization papers, already contain the place of birth.
However, this significant legal loss is not preventing radical groups to continue to make bogus claims of discrimination when all that is being done here is to ensure that all properly eligible voters are allowed to vote, but none of those ineligible be allowed to do so.