House Approves Biggs’ Amendment To Prohibit Use Of DHS Money To Pay Mayorkas’ Salary

On Wednesday, members of the US House of Representatives voted in support of an amendment, offered by Representative Andy Biggs (R-AZ), that would prohibit money for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to be used to pay the salary of DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.

The amendment to the DHS appropriations bill for fiscal 2025, comes in the wake of the impeachment of Mayorkas.

“The House just passed my amendment to defund the office of the DHS Secretary,” tweeted Biggs after the vote. “Alejandro Mayorkas—who was impeached earlier this year—doesn’t deserve a single penny from American taxpayers.”

“I’m proud to be a cosponsor of this amendment to eliminate funding for Secretary Mayorkas’s salary,” tweeted Rep. Eric Burlison (R-MO), a member of the House

“Taxpayers should not be paying an unelected bureaucrat who was impeached by the House,” explained Biggs in a tweet. “That’s why I sponsored an amendment to this year’s Homeland Security Appropriations Act to prohibit funding to be used for the salary of DHS Secretary Mayorkas.”

Mayorkas is the first Cabinet official to be impeached since the 1870s.

As expected, the Democrat-controlled U.S. Senate essentially refused to examine charges against the embattled Mayorkas, giving him a pass.

In his speech on the floor during debate, Biggs cited an NBC News report that hundreds of illegal aliens have been found to have ties to the deadly terrorist group ISIS.

Biggs also mentioned the recent tragic deaths of Americans Laken Riley, Jocelyn Nungaray, and Steven Nasholm in his passionate speech.

Laken Riley, a young Georgia nursing student, was killed while she was jogging by a suspect who entered the U.S. illegally two years ago.

Jocelyn Nungaray, age 12 of Houston, Texas, was raped and murdered by two illegal aliens, Johan Jose Martinez-Rangel, age 22, and Franklin Peña, age 26, on June 16.

Steven Nasholm was killed by an illegal alien, 21-year-old Jorge Sanchez-Tzanahua, when Sanchez-Tzanahua’s vehicle collided with a semitruck driven by the 35-year-old resident of Clayton, Wis. Sanchez-Tzanahua was arrested on the suspicion of homicide by intoxicated use of a motor vehicle and operating while intoxicated.

Alejandro MayorkasamendmentAndy BiggsDepartment of Homeland SecuritydhsDHS appropriations billDHS Secretary Alejandro MayorkasJocelyn NungarayLaken RileyMayorkas salarysalarySteven NasholmUS House of Representatives
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  • Howard

    What a useless bill. This garbage is getting old. It will only die in committee in the senate. If Republicans keep this up they’ll lose both the house and senate

  • bill b

    ” I ” ” I ” ” I ” “ME” “ME” “ME” seems to be the “B I G E S T” announcement in an election year.. or anytime – What “I” Did… just do the work – get it done.. move on to the next project. Mr. Biggs e-mails should be flying in by the megabyte of what “I” did… and now back to the regular ‘nothing has changed’ S show

  • Sally

    Thank you Rep. Andy Biggs and Rep. Eric Burlison (along with the House) to rid taxpayers of Mayorkas and those who want to take the United States down.

  • Michael

    LMAO! Good show Biggs! Now if America can just put that criminal pretending to be president for allowing criminals to enter this country. The blood is on his hands.

    I just don’t know about citing NBC, though…

    • Reed

      Trump will be in jail soon enough Michael!

      • Roger

        No, he won’t, Reed. But some of the people in Biden’s administration, who actually committed crimes, might be worried about jail time when Trump gets elected.