Democrat Hopeful For US Senate Arrested For Stealing Maricopa County Elections Security Devices

Maricopa County Attorney Rachel Mitchell is not fooling around after a temporary elections worker was arrested for allegedly stealing a security fob and keys from the Maricopa County Tabulation and Election Center (MCTEC) last week.

Mitchell is not allowing bail for 27-year-old Walter Ringfield Jr., as he is on probation for a previous felony, according to sources.

Ringfield, who was arrested on Friday and booked into jail on counts of theft and criminal damage, filed a statement of interest as a Democrat for the US Senate race in Arizona on January 22, 2023.

According to Maricopa County officials, Ringfield stole the a security fob and keys on Thursday.

“Staff took immediate action to investigate the matter and contacted the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office,” said spokesperson, Jennifer Liewer, for the Elections Department.

The Elections Department falls under the control of the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors.

Ringfield’s alleged theft was captured by a surveillance camera.

According to sources, the fobs were re-programmed and the missing one was disabled. The County will be re-running Logic & Accuracy test due to the incident.

Walter Ringfield Jr. Instagram account
Walter Ringfield, alphonsosundevil on his Instagram account, announced he would be interning for Democrats on the Tempe City Council.


This article was updated on 6/26/24 at 7:26 a.m.

maricopa countyMaricopa County Elections DepartmentRachel MitchellUS SenateWalter Ringfield Jr.
Comments (67)
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  • MC Jaun

    The hidden truth is this could all be a smoke and mirrors operation. Some might say this was clearly arranged by the DNC and Maricopa County to make it look like any election tampering will be caught and prevented. They could have had this guy “allegedly” take the FOB, on camera, so they could catch it when they did an inventory and review the video footage the next day. It looks like it was staged. A County election official did a press conference with the sheriff’s office saying this proves the election protocols are working, so don’t have any concerns about voter tampering when votes are counted on election day (ya know, in case any strange stuff starts happening). It looks like it was all staged.

  • Jon S

    He filed a statement of interest to run for US Senate as a Democrat? Because the Constitution requires a Senator’s age to be 30, and he’s only 27, he can’t run as a Democrat, Republican, or anything else. So why are you trying to stir up division?

    • Carl Sunshine

      That’s irrelevant. Whether or not he’s qualified, he filed as a Democrat. In other words, a Democrat tampered with an election. This is important information.

      • Eric

        His truth social account says it all. He’s maga 100%. Figures!

      • Gabe

        But is it factual information?

    • AzMountainMan

      “Stir up division.” Seriously?! That shits done! Those cows left the barn. We can’t get more divided. The US will NEVER recover without starting over – together or not together. We’re on a course that cannot be navigated. Unintended consequences!

    • Robert

      You can run at any age – you can’t take the oath of office unless you’re 30 (in this case).

  • Strayhorse

    Follow the money……………..political tricksters never due bad actions out of loyalty. There are favors, friends and foes to be dealt with IF you do something for them. Follow the money!

  • Jim

    Only the truly stupid thing this guy is Mega Republicans

  • Dan Stanton

    It doesn’t matter which side of the fence he’s on. By the very nature of this crime, isn’t it obvious the integrity of our election system is demonstrably shot and needs fixing?? Hopefully, that’s something we can agree needs fixing – and fast.

    • xdm40sw

      Our elections result rely on FOB’s more than actual ballots. Damn shame.

      • Woodrow Magnus

        This guy went to the Hillary Clinton school of “How to cheat in an election.”

    • TK

      What an odd way of looking at things… The fact that he was caught so quickly indicates that the system is absolutely working. If he had not been caught and a breach of unknown origin discovered later, then it would be a cause for concern.

      Even if the FOB could be used to successfully hack and change the totals, it would not be possible for a hacker to use it to alter printed ballots. As long as voters are diligent in making sure the printed ballots match their intention, any alteration of tabulated totals would be discovered during audits and recounts.

  • BARB H

    2500 volunteers working in Maricopa County elections and how many are Democrats like this felon? Where’s their vetting PROCESS LOOPHOLE that actually let this crooked guy IN? He had at least one prior! Someone needs to be fired ASAP. I’m seriously disgusted and suspicious.

  • Ted

    Dems do what dems do…..

    • Tedj

      Couldn’t have said it better myself!👍

    • Terri

      How nice & fair…blame all Democrats for what ONE did, which by the way didn’t effect any election! But…facts don’t matter to MAGA!

      • Joe Gitmo Xiden

        🤡 Clown..! 🤡

        The fact that #Dims stole the last election in this EXACT same manner by tampering with machines & then DELETING votes from the machine & logs to those machines I would say ALL DEMS in elections should be under scrutiny #Traitors

      • Coyote

        ONE? Which ONE? You have a pretty big selection. Pick one… any one…

      • AzMountainMan

        Terri – Tsk,tsk,tsk. Bubble? Don’t want to be included in the group? Then take a stand against it!

  • Mercy Marci

    Arizona is Plus 4% registered republicans. Somehow, with a democrat counting…the top 3 state positions fall to democrats. ALL other down ballot fits in with the 4% republican registration. The chances that democrats won the governors office, Attorney general office and Clerks office is slim to none. But, those are the key offices when you are a criminal syndicate. I’m old enough to remember democrats as anti war and pro worker. Today they are pro war and anti american. Rather have a hippy neighbor than a liberal Karen.
    Hippies were tolerant…”Karens” are just mouthy, uniformed assh0les. Karens of the world are in for a rude awakening. And yes…Men can be Karen;s too. LOL.


      “I’m old enough to remember democrats as anti war and pro worker”

      Um yeah, they got us into WWI (Woodrow “He Kept Us Out of War” Wilson – they did it when Russian idiot folded on Eastern front in order to secure loans JP Morgan made to Allies – our 2 million man army essentially functioning as Pinkertons).

      They got us into WWII, then sided w/ the Soviet Union, Hitler’s former allies who invaded the half of Poland that he did not. We saved the Soviets with Lend Lease after zee Germans massacred about 5 million in six months,then promptly handed half of Europe to Stalin, let Mao roll over China, and did nothing.

      Democrats got us into Korea.

      Democrats got us into Vietnam.

      Now as to “for the worker” – what worker? The union workers demanding pay and healthcare to not work half his/her life? The union workers ruining companies like GM, Hostess, Xerox, holding countless dock operations hostage along w/ mass transit, schools, etc?

    • Jeremy K

      That also happens when Arizona Republicans recognize how crazy and incompetent their own candidates are. Some are facing criminal charges and the rest are still crying about the landslide beating their cult leader took. LOL

      • Ran Deaux

        Landslide? 43,000 votes total in 3 states: WI, AZ, and good ole crooked Georgia, that was the margin for electoral college. Less than 5% of Leftist know this

    • Boogster

      Excellent analysis and comment!

    • Terri

      Geez, being REGISTERED as a Republican doesn’t mean you 1) vote or 2) vote Republican!!! Do you really not get that?

    • Mark mers

      Right on!!

  • Jeff Brown

    He’s MAGA, just like the Hunter Biden Laptop was Russian disinformation. The truth will out. Vote so the can’t cheat.

    • B Donati

      filed a statement of interest as a Democrat for the US Senate race OOPS so sorry for your lame attempt to deflect article shows he is one of yours.

    • Jim

      Wow are you stupid Jeff he works for Arabella advisors a Democrat organization as little as a year ago he filed to run for the US Senate as a Democrat he doesn’t sound like Trump Mega to me

  • Reed

    He’s a MAGA loving Republican too. That doesn’t fit the narrative of the GOP. Don’t worry he’ll soon be sharing a cell with Rudy and Don.

    • Adam

      He was a registered democrat. Sorry for your pain and suffering.

    • B Donati

      filed a statement of interest as a Democrat for the US Senate race OOPS so sorry for your lame attempt to deflect article shows he is one of yours.

    • Spigot

      Get current man, he’s a Democrat with fake MAGA credentials. You are old news.

    • Jim

      No he’s a democrat read he works for Arabella advisors a Democrat organization and last year he filed to run as a democrat in the US Senate election he’s a Democrat we have to ask ourselves why did the FBI scrub all of his social media except for truth social but you fell for it didn’t you read because your confirmation bias

    • zac

      What meds are you on, they clearly aren’t working.

      Man is a registered democrat who was running for a senate position as a democrat.

      • saywhatisay

        Buckwheat didn’t age that well.

        • Terri

          Why don’t you just bypass the bull sh!t & announce “I’m racist!”

    • Connie Foust

      Wrong he is a Democrat you need to learn the full story.

    • joe

      …Buckwheat say O Tay!…..

  • bill b

    who would you vote for.. .this guy? or Biden ?

  • Lol

    He is too dumb to scrub his socials lol. Is this really your best, Republicans?

    He is a big Trump fan, as per HIS OWN FUCKING TRUTH SOCIAL ACCOUNT SAYS

    • Terri

      They are MAGA, facts don’t matter! He’s 27 & can’t run for Senate but he or someone else filled out the form as a Democrat! That’s literally all they need! Oh & since he’s black, they ASS U ME that he MUST be a Democrat! Strangely enough some black people don’t realize Trump & #FascistGOP ABSOLUTELY HATE THEM!

  • IOUNOT 1

    For those of you blaming Republicans this was a person, a felon, known to be a strong democrat hired by election officials with a known history as a felon. A felon can’t vote or be hired to work in elections. So if you have a beef ask Hobbs and the Secretary of State in Arizona why he was hired in the first place.

    • toughterry

      Election officials involved should be fired – now.

  • Coyote

    It figures…

  • Wayne (B)rain

    Richer’s story is that more than one Walter Ringfield Jr is running around the Arizona political system. In his narrative, the one who stole the security fob is not affiliated with any party.

    Extremely ridiculous but that’s what he’s going with on X.

  • Gary tegge

    Amazing that republicans want to blame democrats. Ringfield is not a democrat! All his social posts show he is a Trump supporter. He tried to run as a fake Democrat as many gop are trying. This is another right wing attempt to create conspiracy and mistrust.

  • Mike

    This one got caught. They’ll need to find another willing Dem cheater to help get it rigged. Won’t be hard.

    • George

      This one was hired by the Republicans to make the Democrats look bad but we know better. Republicans look bad enough in Arizona as it is.

      • Bill Sellers

        If you really believe this….as so many AZ Dimsheviks do, you probably need a revision to your meds.

      • B Donati

        LMAO a little damage control there buddy? “filed a statement of interest as a Democrat for the US Senate race” OOPS so sorry for your lame attempt to deflect article shows he is one of yours.

      • CommonCents

        He was a ‘mole’ for the democrats… get a clue.

      • I’m none Bidenary

        Please tell us how you know Potsey

      • zac

        Keep telling yourself that.

        Man is a registered democrat with a long history of working for the democrat party.

  • Mary Swanson

    He had posts all over Truth Social and his other social media accounts about how Democrats suck and how great Trump is. How convenient that he is trying to look like a Democrat now to hide his MAGA motives. It looks like people are already falling for it, too!

    • Bertman Indie

      As of the time of his arrest, his Facebook account, his X account, and multiple other social media accounts were wiped clean & some disabled…miraculously only his Truth Social account was “unaffected”….Truth Social will not cooperate with the FBI in its invasion into private accounts without a valid warrant….check into this yourself….his “Trump is Great” credentials aren’t withstanding the scrutiny if you dig deep enough..especially coming from a self described (D) Senate candidate hopeful

    • DixT3

      Not true! The FBI wiped ALL of his social media accounts once they found out who he was. It’s in the national news.

    • zac

      Really because the only social media I could find and archive before google scrubbed it showed him to be as far left leaning as you can get.

  • Michael

    From the headlines I figured that the Democrats are pretty much scraping the bottom of the barrel if Walter Ringfield Jr. is Democrat Hopeful For US Senate Arrested For Stealing Maricopa County Elections Security Devices.

  • Greg H

    How did he gain access to an allegedly ‘secure area’? Let the election tampering games begin.

  • James P.

    Cheap shot material.

    • Guillermo

      I don’t trust election officials. They screwed up in 2022.

      • mockturtle

        They didn’t ‘screw up’. They knew just what they were doing. :-\

        • Larry Kerns

          Democrats cheat and steal in Arizona which is why you have a clown in the governors office

    • bill b

      stupid operations of the elections – ‘this’ guy… was hired to do that function? Really? and ‘who hired him’? and who hired him… ? substitute ‘her’ anywhere you want.. its’ still hard to fix stupid.