Trump Stops In Phoenix To Listen To Latino Leaders

President Donald Trump held a roundtable discussion with Latinos For Trump in Phoenix on Monday. While the crowd enthusiastically welcomed Trump, Governor Doug Ducey was met with boos.

The conversation focused the concerns of the Latino community and praise from the President for it.

“Hispanic Americans strengthen our nation beyond description. You protect our nation as members of the military and law enforcement. You uplift our communities and promote our shared values of faith, family, community and hard work and patriotism,” Trump said.

Trump talked about how his tax cuts have benefitted the state and small businesses. He cited numbers and claimed we have the lowest unemployment rates, 3.9%, for Latinos. He also criticized Joe Biden for not making more effort campaigning.

“I like Delaware. I think Delaware’s a good place, but you gotta leave it on occasion,” Trump said.

The members of the panel spoke about their past, what they had to overcome, their families, thanking Trump for his commitment and how he has benefitted them and their communities. They discussed protecting our Second Amendment rights, the fight against human trafficking, the importance of the police, keeping politics out of the educational system and the family structure.

“Since they are not being responsible and helping their kids, I would suggest to them to take their BLM sign, frame it and put it in their living room and look at it every day,” Chairman Chavez said.

Pam Kirby spoke about how much the educational system has benefitted during Trump’s presidency. She thanked him and Ivanka for the reauthorization of the CTE grant that was worth over $30 million to Arizona and rolling back federal inclusion in the classroom.

“It allows our local districts to better respond to their community’s needs rather than wasting valuable resources chasing down one size fits all mandates from Washington D.C.,” Kirby said.

Sergio Arellano thanked Trump for what he has done for healthcare, veterans and said that the Latino community is missing more of his leadership.

“Latinos are conversative; they just don’t know it and ever since you were elected it has been easier to recruit Latinos from all over the state,” Arellano said.

Trump’s popularity is growing with the Latino community and the stop in Arizona confirmed that for the skeptical.

donald trumpLatinos for TrumpphoenixSergio Arellano