Sinema wins endorsements, raises $626,187

The Arizona Fraternal Order of Police has announced their endorsement of Kyrsten Sinema in Arizona’s Ninth Congressional District. The F.O.P. is one of Arizona’s largest organizations of sworn law enforcement officers.

“Sinema will be the right kind of leader in Congress,” said John Ortolano, President of the Arizona Fraternal Order of Police.

Sinema reported that her campaign raised $367,453 in April, May and June. Overall, her campaign has raised $626,187 this year, with donations coming from 3,882 individuals. The average donation to Sinema’s campaign in the second quarter report was $125.15. The campaign reported having over $358,000 on hand going into the summer primary season.

The fundraising report comes on the heels of Sinema’s endorsements from labor unions, elected officials including: AFL-CIO, Building Trades Council, and unions representing Teamsters, Firefighters, Painters, Electricians, Transportation Workers, Sheet Metal Workers, Police Officers, Sheriffs, Steel workers, Machinists, and Food Service workers.

F.P.OKyrsten Sinema