Barber puts A-10 future in jeopardy, roll call vote today

On Wednesday, Arizona Congressman Ron Barber took a big gamble with the future of the Air Force’s A-10. Barber’s proposed an amendment to the 2015 defense appropriation bill appeared to pass on a voice vote and will likely be a voted on in formal roll call vote today.

Barber shocked many when he moved to propose the amendment rather than allow the matter to be taken up by the Senate.

The amendment would prevent the Air Force from trying to mothball or scrap the low and slow flying Warthog.

The Air Force has been anxious to scrap the highly effective aircraft, in order to justify the continued development of the F-35.

“With no other aircraft available and capable to take it’s place and with our men and women still in combat, we simply can’t afford to allow the A-10 to be grounded,” said Barber, according to an article in the Arizona Daily Star.

According to, “congressional sources say the Senate Appropriations Committee is leaning toward funding the A-10 for another year. That would make it three out of four committees in favor of keeping the plane.”

Concern spread as news of the amendment spread. Many believed that Barber was taking a risky path when he introduced the amendment. In communities like Tucson, in which Barber’s congressional seat sits. If he fails to win support for the amendment, he reduces the A-10’s chances to survive.

To many Barber’s move was too risky, and they considered it to be reckless.

After 4:30 today, the House will start voting on amendments to the 2015 DOD appropriations bill, according to Winslow Wheeler, director of the Straus Military Reform Project.

As a result, it is imperative that A-10 supporters flood congressional phones and demand their support for the amendment today.

In Arizona call:

Senator John McCain 202-224-2235 602-952-2410
Senator Jeff Flake 202-224-4521 602-840-1891
Rep Ann Kirkpatrick(D1) 202-225-3361 520-316-0839
Rep Ron Barber(D2) 202-225-2542 520-881-3588
Rep Raul M. Grijalva(D3) 202-225-2435 520-622-6788
Rep Paul A. Gosar(R4) 202-225-2315 480-882-2697
Rep Matt Salmon(R5) 202-225-2635 480-699-8239
Rep David Schweikert(R6) 202-225-2190 480-946-2411
Rep Ed Pastor (D7) 202-225-4065 602-256-0551
Rep Trent Franks (R8) 202-225-4576 202-225-4576
Rep Kyrsten Sinema (D9) 202-225-9888 602-956-2285
A-10A-10 WarthogRon Barber