Arizona Daily Independent headlines Five months after fire Pinal County is ready to count ballots June 22, 2014 ADI Staff Reporter
Crime Mesa father, son get 15 years for roles in multi-state drug trafficking ring June 20, 2014 ADI Staff Reporter
News Arizona reaches $550 million settlement with Suntrust for foreclosure abuses June 19, 2014 ADI Staff Reporter
Arizona Daily Independent headlines Nogales Border Patrol tour no questions allowed June 19, 2014 M. Perez - ADI Staff Reporter
Arizona Daily Independent headlines Barber puts A-10 future in jeopardy, roll call vote today June 19, 2014 John Hunnicutt
News Arizona AG seeks to disband Warren Jeff’s de facto law enforcement June 18, 2014 ADI Staff Reporter
Arizona Daily Independent headlines Pima County raises property taxes, lowers public morale June 18, 2014 ADI Staff Reporter
News Feds continue to deny Arizona officials access to illegal migrant children June 17, 2014 M. Perez - ADI Staff Reporter
News Cartel scouts in hilltops arrested, Pinal County first to prosecute June 17, 2014 ADI Staff Reporter