The Unmitigated Bigotry Of The Left

Why does “the left” promote anti-Christian bigotry?  And why does “the left promote anti-police bigotry? Anti-military/veteran bigotry? Anti-prolife bigotry? Anti-American bigotry?

American values call for protecting innocent life.  The false values of “the left” call for abortion, disguised as prochoice. Ethics refers to principles of conduct, which indicate how one should behave based on moral responsibilities and virtues arising from developed values of right and wrong. Values are internal beliefs that guide our attitude and actions.

“The left,” devoid of ethical principles to guide any moral compass, fall back on the false notion of “personal ethics.” If ethics is purely a personal matter and each person’s code of “values” is entitled to equal respect, then Adolf Hitler and Pope Francis are moral equivalents. This is exactly where “the left” wants to be. “The left” can shout down prolife while hiding behind the false shield of “personal ethics.” Clinging to “personal ethics” means no one can judge you.

“Personal ethics” gives “the left” license to do anything without being judged: “personal ethics” leads to the lowest common denominator, the lowest of mediocrity, and the worst of depravity. Witness Andrew Jackson and the Indians; Woodrow Wilson and American Black citizens; Adolf Hitler and the Jewish communities of Europe; Joseph Stalin and 20 million dead Russians; not to mention Mao Tse-Tung.

Let’s start with “the left’s” anti-Christian bigotry. Notice that whenever “the left” is challenged and called out on their anti-Christian bigotry, “the left” always tries to reframe the argument in political terms. “The left” screams that Christians are anti-abortion and antigay. Being accused of anti-abortion and anti-gay fits the political narrative of the left but not the American values of Christians, Jews, Muslims, and other religions that exist peacefully in America.

“The left’s” political war on peaceful American citizens came to a point when Hillary Clinton flatly pronounced Republicans, her fellow citizens as her “enemies.  Consider that Vladimir Putin is not her enemy. Consider that ISIL/ISIS is not her enemy. But her fellow citizens are considered by Hillary Clinton to be her enemies.  So let’s say Hillary wins the presidency. How will she bring the country together? She can’t and she won’t. Hillary cannot promote American values if she attacks American citizens.

Clinging to the false choice of personal ethics, “the left” freely attacks our first responders. The “hands up don’t shoot” mantra of “the left” fits neatly into its political strategy. “The left” is not lying because no one can challenge his or her personal ethics because “the left” is living up to their own substandard core belief, which is a political belief. Much like radical Islamists, who also cling to personal ethics under the guise of Sharia law, no one better challenge their ideology.

Consider “the left’s” political correctness strategy. If “the left” doesn’t like what you say or how you say it, you are subject to attack. The political correctness strategy is an attack on the First Amendment.  Similarly, under Sharia law, there is no freedom of religion, no freedom of speech, no freedom of thought, no freedom of artistic expression, no freedom of the press.  This is the basis of political correctness.

Under Sharia law, non-Muslims are dhimmis, third-class citizens.  Under political correctness, “the left” attempt to mock and demonize, in effect, make one a third-class citizen. “The left” have been successful in creating third-class citizens residing within Democrat plantations in the inner city.

Under Sharia law, there is no equal protection for different classes of people. Under Political Correctness, there is unequal protection of different classes of people based on the color of one’s skin (except if you are white), ethnicity, country of origin, gender (except if you are white male), age (except if you are white male), national origin, religion (except if you are Christian or Jewish), disability, pregnancy, and sexual orientation. The similarities abound.

There is an old Peanuts cartoon that explains the dangerous but looney left today:

  • Lucy: Republicans are racist, sexist, homophobic, gun-toting religious fanatics.
  • Linus:  But you support the Muslims, who are racist, sexist, homophobic, gun-toting religious fanatics.
  • Lucy:  That’s their culture. You have no right to judge them.

You have no right to judge “the left” as “the left” is living up to its personal ethics, which has no objective basis of good and evil, or right and wrong.  While all people, as individuals, have the ability to choose their values, it does not mean that all choices have an equal claim to be called ethical.

“The left’s” personal ethics choice miserably fails the sniff test.






Anti-American bigotryanti-Christian bigotryAnti-military/veteran bigotryAnti-prolife bigotryBigotryLeftUnmitigated