Pima County Supervisors Diss Women In Kopec Choice

Today, the Pima County Board of Supervisors showed disrespect to all women when they rejected popular progressive author, Pamela Powers Hannley, and chose Tucson City Councilmember Karin Uhlich’s aide Matt Kopec, to replace Arizona State Rep Victoria Steele.

Steele resigned her position earlier this month in order to throw all of her energies behind her CD1 run.

Powers was the only choice who had a campaign for the spot up and running. Powers Hannley also received 78 percent of the PC’s vote. However, many know that Powers Hannley would not be part of the good ol’ boy crew and would be unwilling to support crony deals.

Only Supervisor Ally Miller, who had received her share of abuse by the misogynistic members of the Pima County Board earlier in Tuesday’s meeting, cast the lone “no” vote.

Two women, Democrat Powers Hannley and Republican Ana Henderson are vying for two LD 9 House seats, one of which is currently occupied by Democrat Dr. Randy Friese.

Kopec was instrumental in the politics of personal destruction that forced Cheryl Cage to resign as Chair of Pima County Democratic Party.

Matt Kopecpamela powers hannleypima county supervisors