Advancing Political Change

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall and had a great fall – all the Kings men and conservative anti- Trump horse’s asses could not put him together again.

Who are the Kings men and others who cannot put the falling Republican establishment together?  It is favored, syndicated news columnists and elitist TV commentators.  Their audience is the Madison Avenue Republicans, the main street Republicans, Rotary Club Republicans and Country Club Republicans with a call to stop Trump.  The March 16th, Super Tuesday primaries in Florida, Ohio, North Carolina, Illinois and Missouri certainly did not succeed in stopping the Trump Train because the will of the voters has strongly supported Donald Trump.  In spite of an overwhelming growing tide of the public who want Donald Trump to be President, the media continues to be rudely anti-Trump.

The first thought that comes to mind is how stupid can these self-proclaimed political analysts be?  A quick look at the mainstream media credentials, it is from prestigious universities, which show a complete vacuum of experience in industries such as: construction, mining and manufacturing.  They also show an absence of engineering experience that is needed to bring order out of chaos to the variables that arise in meeting production schedules arising from disconnects that occur frequently in the real world.  There is no understanding by these publicists of the anger of those who must cope with the do-nothing, kick the can down the road politicians whose sole priority is to enrich themselves.  The uniform assault on Donald Trump by these editorialists has created a fire-storm for a leadership that has experience in the world of enterprise, as does Donald Trump.

The opponents of Donald Trump do not want to discuss the serious issues that our nation faces and needs to overcome.  Their only goal is to derail Mr. Trump so they can install a new Humpty Dumpty. The Republican establishment wants a president who will not challenge the status quo congressional self-interest priorities.  Our mainstream media has produced and led an inexcusable disservice to our American citizens in order to blackball Donald Trump.  It does not stop there, as the media only proclaims the anti-business environmentalists and totally ignores the environmentally friendly activities of construction, mining and other development such as oil pipelines and even retirement real estate developments.  The media is anti-American in many ways, as they want to destroy leaders like Donald Trump and all enterprise.

What is needed for the media to gain credibility is to discuss methods of how the 18 Trillion dollar debt can be reduced; how to bring jobs back to American workers; how to prevent unnecessary government intrusion into the process of authorizing new industrial development that does not block a new project.  What are needed are solutions, not rejection of development. The media needs to tap the expertise of the many retired engineering professionals and construction supervisors or managers who spent a lifetime in high hazard activities. Let them tell how environmental and safety hazards can be best promoted with technology. The existing media projects an anti-business battle cry, which is “stop the project.”  This needs to be replaced with solutions.

It is outrageous for the Washington Republican elite to recommend a brokered convention to nominate someone other than the popular front runner for President.  This political high-jacking is completely against the principles of our democracy, where the people nominate and elect a President.

To overcome the current and worthless GOP establishment, candidates themselves can save the GOP by banding together.  Consider this scenario, if Trump as the lead vote-getter was to ask Cruz to be Vice President and agree to appoint Rubio and Kasich to their Cabinet it would bring the GOP together.  This is not as far-out as it seems, as all the opposing Republican candidates have striking similar platforms to Donald Trump. To ensure diversity on the cabinet, Bernie Sanders would be a good choice for the U.S. Secretary of Labor.  To me, this would make a powerful and winning team to make America Great Again!  A booming economy with debt reduction and as trade winners, the GOP could earn back the confidence of the American people and enjoy the White House for 16 years, as Trump along with Cruz would have two terms with a majority Republican House and Senate. Together, the candidates have more than enough electoral votes to win NOW!  The key issue is to stop the media bickering and build a new GOP establishment for advancing political change to meet the needs of the public in today’s world.


anti- TrumpconservativeHumpty DumptyKings men