Pima County Hopes To Increase Budget, Raise Taxes

Pima County Board of Supervisors meets today at 9:00 am for the regular Board meeting and starting at 1:30 p.m., the Board will be meeting for the third of the 6 scheduled public budget hearings. These meetings are scheduled for the department heads to make the case for their requested budgets and any supplemental requests they may have.

However it appears County administrator Chuck Huckelberry has “jumped the gun” and already prepared and disseminated the County’s FY 2016/2017 budget as recommended by him. The $1.23 billion recommended budget is 5.1 percent more than the current fiscal year budget and was posted last Friday.

Supervisor Ally Miller is calling into question Huckelberry’s decision to release his recommended budget before the hearings have been completed and the public has had time to weigh-in on the subject. “Now I understand why some supervisors have left budget hearings early and gone home without comment,” stated Miller. “I believe it is incredibly disrespectful to the individuals who have prepared to speak to their requested budgets. Many of these individuals will be coming before the Board today and in the coming weeks. It appears Mr. Huckelberry has set this up for yet another predetermined outcome.”

The County Administrator is recommending a 10.3-cents per $100 of net assessed value increase in the county’s primary tax rate.

Two new full time employee positions will be added, and County employee representatives have asked the Board for additional compensation for all County employees.

The administrator also advised the board that the state Legislature is considering a one-time increase to state Highway User Revenue Fund distributions, which if approved, would be used for pavement preservation on arterial roads and collector streets in the unincorporated county in time to boost the failing re-election campaigns of incumbent supervisors Richard Valadez and Sharon Bronson.

During the 2012 Board of Supervisor races, failed candidate Mike Hellon told the public at a candidate forum that Huckelberry has piles of money that he “stashes” throughout his 20 different departments. Hellon claimed at the time that Huckleberry can find money when he needs to.

Hellon bragged, “I am the guy who did get the $10 million. And I know where there is another $10 million. For three years, Pima County spent zero on scheduled roadway maintenance. Zero. Total neglect by the Board of Supervisors and the County Manager. I called Chuck and said I’m coming after you. We have to do something about the roads. I am giving you fair warning.”

Because Hellon was Huckelberry’s preferred candidate in the Republican field, Huckelberry reached into one of the previously referred to stashes, and found $10 million. Hellon lost to Miller in that primary, and Capitol sources reported on Monday that it is unlikely Huckelberry will be bailed out this year by the Legislature due to Governor Ducey’s determination to cram through an austere budget.

budgethopesincreasepima countypima county board of supervisorsraise taxes