The Lines In DC: Sunday’s Comic

From MCRC Briefs

Yesterday AZGOP Chairman Jonathan Lines was telling Republicans how elated he was over meeting President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence in the Oval Office at the White House. In the meantime, AZGOP Secretary Gabby Mercer announced that a group of Arizona GOP leaders are planning to recall Lines and that she will follow the AZGOP bylaws in keeping them properly informed. 7-12-17-briefs This morning Navajo County Chairman Steven Slaton and his first two vice chairs are calling for Lines resignation (see below) and Former LD15 Secretary Archie Dicksion announced the circulation of a petition throughout Arizona requesting that the Arizona State Legislature amend Arizona Revised Statute Code Section 16-828 to prohibit the use of proxies at political party votes, or limit their use to no more than two (2) proxies per carrier. Bruce M Piepho, Cochise County State Committee is compiling a list of LD14 State Committeemen. LD14 PCs have voted in support of the proxie amendment. – ft

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azgopDCJeff Flakejohn mccainJonathan Lines