Mittens Spells It Out For Flake: Sunday’s Comic

Flake’s Trump problem: AZ GOP struggles with tangled web*

A New Day, A New Shenanigan is a must read, posted on Republican Briefs. It unambiguously addresses the trickery emanating from AZ GOP Chairman Jonathan Lines relating to the Tues. Aug. 22, Phoenix event featuring President Donald Trump.

Lines is clearly in a bind, since it is not the state party but state Treasurer Jeff DeWit, Trump’s Arizona campaign manager, who is coordinating the volunteer efforts inside the Phoenix Convention Center.. Lines defines those duties as “crowd flow, greeting guests, security, etc.” In Lines’ Daily Update, he says he’s “thrilled” with this setup, Wan‘na bet?

Then he says, “The White House, the Republican National Committee and the Trump Campaign have tasked Arizona Victory and the AZ GOP with voter registration and volunteer recruitment.”

Lines follows up with, “Because we know that the Democrats are doing everything they can to turn our state blue and using millions of George Soros’s dollars to do it, we must counter their efforts. Tuesday’s event is a great opportunity to welcome thousands of new Republican voters and volunteers into our party…and will be essential for victory next November.”

To read more — Flake’s Trump problem: AZ GOP struggles with tangled web* — click here

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