Craig Brittain, the disgraced “mastermind” behind the now-defunct revenge pron website, IsAnybodyDown.com, has announced his intention to run in the 2018 Republican Primary for the U.S. Senate.
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According to Ballotpedia, Brittain submitted the following statement about his political philosophy in a biographical submission:
Taxation Is Theft. End The Federal Reserve. Repeal the 16th Amendment and the Federal Reserve Act.
That might be the most sober statement made by Brittain. According to the blog, The Narrative Times, after readers responded to an article about Brittain’s candidacy, he “respectfully responded by calling one of his own constituents a “whore” and telling her to “f*ck off.”
The seat is currently held by Jeff Flake, who has the lowest popularity rating in the Senate. In the unlikely event that Brittain could get enough signatures to get on the ballot, he would face Flake and Dr. Kelly Ward in the Republican Primary.
If elected, Brittain promises “no more waiting for the VA for care, “will work to repeal the 16th Amendment and the Federal Reserve Act,” and “will author a Constitutional Amendment which allows individuals to opt out of any government program that they do not wish to participate in or give money to, including Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security, and guarantee full immediate refunds to citizens who paid into government programs.”
Brittain also promises on his campaign website to “fully decriminalize marijuana via a new Constitutional Amendment (similar to the 21st Amendment which ended Prohibition), and move to treat drug addiction as a medical issue rather than a crime, ending a costly Drug War and saving countless lives.”
In January 2015, Brittain entered into a settlement agreement with the Federal Trade Commission after the Commission charged that he unfairly posted nude photos and then, much like sites such as RipoffReport.com offered ‘Takedown’ services, reported the Arizona Daily Independent.