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Facebook, Twitter and Google/YouTube Censoring Christians
By Rachel Alexander

“Chillingly, a growing censorship of Christian and politically conservative viewpoints on the internet is happening in America and across the globe.” That’s from the National Religious Broadcasters’ new site, Internet Freedom Watch.

The site documents censorship of Christians and conservatives by the major online tech giants. It lists more than 30 instances between 2010 and now. They’re increasing. NRB was founded in 1944 to combat corporate censorship of evangelical radio ministries.

Lila Rose, Erick Erickson, Michael Brown, All Censored

Lila Rose of the pro-life group Live Action has seen her pro-life ads censored. The Fort Worth Star-Telegram reported, “Twitter has refused to sell Live Action advertising until Live Action removes tweets that show a pregnancy developing inside a mother.” The legal dispute is still ongoing.

Twitter warned RedState’s Erick Erickson that one of his tweets might be hate speech. He’d been reported for a tweet he made that “incorrectly” referred to a transgender person.

In August, YouTube demonetized hundreds of videos made by The Stream’s Michael Brown. It was part of an effort to target “controversial religious” content. Brown frequently writes about the sanctity of marriage and the LGBT movement.

In December 2013, Twitter blocked users from linking to a petition supporting Phil Robertson. The actor was suspended from Duck Dynasty by A&E after voicing his Biblical views on homosexuality.

Similarly, Twitter blocked users from linking to a petition supporting Houston pastors in October 2014. The city subpoenaed their sermons because they opposed a gender-neutral restrooms law….

To read more — Facebook, Twitter and Google/YouTube Censoring Christians — click here

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