Obama, Bush Expected To Deliver Eulogies For McCain

On Saturday, NBC reported that former presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama are expected to deliver eulogies when the time comes for Sen. John McCain’s funeral. The plans for the eventual McCain funeral include services at the Washington National Cathedral.

While the plan is being portrayed as a bipartisan gesture of good will, the news generated the same hateful rhetoric coming from both sides of the political aisle for which the senator is best known.

The fact that McCain’s camp has made it clear that President Trump is not welcome to the cantankerous senator’s funeral has made online conversations about the matter cringe worthy.

It has been said that McCain never saw a war – or opportunity to get involved in one – that he didn’t like. His most recent attack on the Trump administration is seen as a product of his bitterness-fueled regime change mentality. As Mother Jones noted in 2013, “Over the last two decades, McCain has rarely missed an opportunity to call for the escalation of an international conflict. Since the mid-1990s, he’s pushed for regime change in more than a half-dozen countries—occasionally with disastrous consequences.” McCain’s attack on Trump in the face of death is seen as a shift in focus to the escalation of national conflicts.

Over the years, McCain has attacked his fellow Republicans in Arizona leading to censures of the senator by members of the Arizona GOP.

McCain’s camp has reportedly informed the White House that they plan to have Vice President Pence attend the funeral. Many hope Pence will decline the invitation.

The New York Times also reported as “news” that McCain’s operatives are pushing Gov. Doug Ducey appoint a “McCain person” to fill the spot McCain has so far refused to vacate. That report is not news. The “McCain machine” has been hard at work since last year to ensure that power remains in its control.

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