America, Who The Hell Are We?

America was created as an asylum from persecution with immigrants from Europe. They risked it all to find a place where they could practice their own version of Christianity and did not like being ruled by a King.

During colonial times people were treated fairly and equally. This continued after World War II with the exception of Blacks in the south. We had some back sliding when we were at war with Japan, rounding up 110,000 to 120,000 Japanese Americans and putting them in internment camps which included 30,000 children. How can we do this to our citizens? What message was sent to these citizens? We are a melting pot. ALL OF US ORGINIALLY CAME FOR SOMEPLACE ELSE. You are only an American if you were born here, or applied and granted citizenship.

After the assassination of JFK, RFK and Martin Luther King Jr., America changed. We became an openly racist and anti-Semitic nation. We no longer had to “whisper” in back rooms. President Trump brought racism to the forefront with his campaign for president. It was disturbing to see fellow Americans cheering as Trump denigrated Mexicans, disabled people and anyone else he felt would get him some votes.

Today we have an openly racist anti-Semite Republican running for Senator in Virginia as well as an Iowan Republican congressman who enjoys talking to well-known British anti-Semites. We have a president who said there are “good Nazis.” My two cousins who were killed fighting the “bad Nazis” in Europe should be turning over in their graves. Have we forgotten that WWII was all about fighting the Nazis and the extermination of the Non- Aryan approved class? Some of us may not know that Hitler also rounded up Italians, Greeks, Polish, Soviets, French, political prisoners, Communists, Socialists, trade unionists, Gypsies, “asocial” or “shiftless Germans, Jehovah’s Witnesses, homosexuals. Oh, so it wasn’t just the Jews? Were your ancestors on his hit list?

It appears we are reinstating the US policy just prior to WWII – never allow Jews and nor non-white children into the US.  How many Americans know that there was a large European ship, The St. Louis, sent to the US during WWII filled with 937 Jews many with US Visas looking to be saved from Hitler’s extermination. But the ship was never allowed to dock in the US.

What the Hell? If we do not believe in the State of Liberty, we should remove it! Are we the land of the free and home of the brave? Do we offered asylum to neighboring countries citizens who are being terrorized? If not, then state the new Policy.

I support allowing others to come here as long as they are sponsored by friends, relatives or agencies who will vouch for them, support and care them. It is not the role of the US government to care for non-citizen immigrants. However it is the role of government to care for its citizens. I believe in a guest worker system that allows migrants to work our fields and fill jobs not wanted by our current citizens. And if that migrant consistently proves his or her dedication to the US, then they should be offered a path to citizenship.

America, Look at Ourselves. President Trump is taking stands against free and democratic countries, our partners, and seems to love the dictators. He lauds unmerited praise on North Korea and Russia dictators and admires them as tough strong leaders. He wants to be our king, our first dictator.

I don’t think President Ronald Reagan would ever use children as “hostages”. This is what Trump is doing. This is the antithesis of humanitarian care. How many American mothers would want their infants taken from them? Certain religious groups who back Trump are just starting to whisper -‘Don’t take children’. Where is the Republican Party? Are they standing up for children? Why not?

Does Trump really think that those who are trying desperately to escape war, rape and murder in their own countries are going to be persuaded from coming here by ripping their children out of their arms? What are their choices? There are no diplomatic channels to escape their danger. Have those who yell loudly about illegal immigration forget that their European ancestors just boarded a boat with little money and many with “no papers” and came to America through Ellis Island? We were a welcoming country them, remembering who we said we are. Many of you are unaware that there are thousands of immigrants being awarded passage into the US. They are just not brown, from Mexico or South America. Trump said he wants Norway citizens because they are white like him.

We have 3.6 Million Dreamers now.  Congress is only considering helping 1.8 Million, half of them.  They have been here all their lives. They are Americans. Grant them some special citizenship and be done with this farce. There is no place to send them back to. They have only lived here.

President Trump denigrates Sen. John McCain because he was captured in war and tortured. How many exemptions did Trump receive for bone spurs in his foot to prevent him for being drafted? He is a true coward and racist that does not deserve to represent the majority of Americans. He certainly does not represent me or my family.

Those of you who are PROUD of his accomplishments believe the ends justify the means. I do not. He could do all the good things without the horrible racist and mean spirited actions.

The Statue of Liberty is inscribed with these word

“Give me your tired, your poor,

Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,

The wretched refuse of your teeming shore

Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,

I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

America, either tear down the Statue of Liberty or live by it.

America, who the hell are we Today?

Ira and Jo-Ann Marks

Americaira marksJo-Ann Marks