Dark Money Chickens: Sunday’s Comic

The Dark Money chickens have come home to roost…..

Bringing Election ‘Dark Money’ Into The Light – Sign Up Before July 5th

Even in “red state” Arizona it is possible for the left and the right, for labor unions and right-to-workers, for honest Republicans, Democrats and Independents, to find common ground in their struggles to “drain the swamp” and put some roadblocks up to slow down the crony capitalists and the millions in “dark money” they pump into elections.

With the State Legislature failing to act to identify sources of election campaign “dark money,” often from out-of-state, signatures are being gathered to put a “right-to-know” Constitutional initiative on the November ballot. It mandates disclosure of any individual, association or corporation that spends at least $2,500 in any two-year election cycle and imposes fines triple the undisclosed amount….

The initiative would be a Constitutional change to neutralize lawmakers. Earlier this year they voted to ban cities and counties from enacting their own campaign transparency requirements. That effort was led by State Representative Vince Leach, now a candidate for State Senate on a L.D. 11 campaign team with Rio Nuevo savior Mark Finchem and wannabe Brett Roberts….

To read more — Bringing Election ‘Dark Money’ Into The Light – Sign Up Before July 5th — click here

dark moneyjd mesnardKate Brophy-McGeesteyer