Baby Brennan: Sunday’s Comic

Senator Scott Responds To Brennan’s Trump-Russia Collusion Op-Ed: ‘The Entire World Would Already Know’
By Scott Morefield

South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott responded on Saturday to former CIA Director John Brennan’s contention that evidence exists that President Trump colluded with Russia.

If such evidence existed, Scott said, “the entire world would already know.”

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“If there is a scintilla of evidence that the president colluded with the Russians and Brennan had that evidence, the entire world would already know,” Scott said during a Fox News appearance with host Neil Cavuto.

In a Thursday op-ed published in the New York Times, Brennan based his claim that President Trump colluded with Russia on the fact that then-candidate Trump “publicly called upon Russia to find the missing emails of Mrs. Clinton” during the 2016 campaign.

To read more — Senator Scott Responds To Brennan’s Trump-Russia Collusion Op-Ed: ‘The Entire World Would Already Know’ — click here

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