Previously Deported Rapist From El Salvador Arrested By Yuma Border Patrol Agents

Border Patrol agents assigned to the area of San Luis, Arizona arrested a convicted rapist, Sogel Robles-Gonzalez,
an El Salvadorian national. wRobles-Gonzalez is currently a registered sex offender.

On Saturday, at approximately 10:22 p.m., Yuma Station agents arrested Robles-Gonzalez after he made an illegal entry into the United States two miles east of the San Luis Port of Entry.

Robles-Gonzalez, age 33, has a felony conviction of second-degree rape, out of Suffolk County, New York in 2009. He was last removed from the United States through the Phoenix, International Airport by the Immigration and Enforcement Agency in 2013.

Robles-Gonzalez will be charged with re-entry after deportation.

ArrestdEl Salvadorpreviously deportedrapistYuma Border Patrol agents