Arizonans Deserve Better Than A Senator Who Mocks Them

Kyrsten Sinema must be using some sort of reverse psychology on voters this fall as she campaigns for the U.S. Senate.

Last week a leaked video showed the Democrat candidate disparaging the people of Arizona to a crowd in another state a few years ago.

“Because for the past several years, people would watch what’s happening in Arizona and be like ‘Damn, those people are crazy…’ They’re just called Republicans,” she said to a laughing liberal audience.

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“And I want to talk to you about some of the things that I think that you can do to stop your state from becoming Arizona… Because Arizona is the state of the five C’s. So cattle, copper, citrus, cotton, and climate. And those are the five things that our state historically made its money off of. But I would add a sixth C. It’s called crazy.”

That’s right. According to Sinema, millions of Arizonans are “crazy.”

She even took a jab at me while I was governor, saying, “My governor — she’s not much of a reader.”

Well, I have something to say to Kyrsten Sinema: you’re not much of a thinker.

Shamefully, this isn’t the first time Sinema has attacked the people of Arizona.

In another leaked video, she snarked that “Arizona is clearly the meth lab of democracy,” receiving boisterous cheers and laughs from a hysterical liberal crowd.

She’s also referred to Arizonans who don’t think the way she does as “neanderthals,” and said stay-at-home women were “leeching off their husbands or boyfriend.”

In yet another attack on Arizona, she tweeted, “Just one day, I’d like Arizona to be in the news for something good. Just one day people.”

Rather than condemning political violence, Sinema said in an email to her extreme liberal supporters that “it would be inappropriate to ask someone to not destroy property or to carry a weapon” at her protests. She has even partnered with radical anarchist groups to organize anti-military demonstrations.

Several years ago, Sinema’s radical protest group denigrated Arizona’s proud military men and women by comparing them to terrorists with flyers showing American soldiers inflicting “U.S. terror” in Iraq and the Middle East. To date, she’s never apologized or condemned these flyers.

As for illegal immigrants, however, she holds them in the highest esteem. In 2006, Sinema said illegal immigrants who die while trying to sneak into the U.S. are equal to Americans dying in war. No one wants to see deaths on our border, which is why we need strong border security.

How can we send someone to Washington who has such an inherent disrespect for Arizonans and everything we stand for?

Kyrsten Sinema has disrespected nearly every demographic in our state, but most especially, the men and women who serve in our military. She claims to be for Arizonans, but her own words say otherwise — and her voting record says even more.

As a Congresswoman she has voted with radical liberal Maxine Waters more than she has with President Trump, and she votes nearly 80 percent of the time with House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi.

If Arizona’s decision to send President Trump to the White House in 2016 tells us anything, it’s that extreme liberals like Kyrsten Sinema aren’t the right choice for our state.

Don’t be fooled by the moderate disguise she puts on around election time. Deep down, she’s always been the same pink tutu-wearing radical who disrespects our Arizona principles.

Kyrsten Sinema thinks the people of Arizona are crazy, which must be why she thinks they would still vote for her after the scorn she has heaped on them.

The voters have a chance to prove her wrong on Election Day, and to stand up for Arizona and our men and women in uniform at the same time.

jan brewerKyrsten Sinemamartha mcsallysinema