Please Snope Snipes: Sunday’s Comic

Broward County’s elections are not secure as long as Brenda Snipes is in office
By Richard DeNapoli

More often than naught Broward County, Fla., where I serve as GOP State Committeeman, makes headlines during election season — and not for good reasons. Broward County’s elections department has a history of malfeasance, and that malfeasance is playing out on the national stage today.

Tuesday night, Republicans across the state of Florida celebrated Gov. Rick Scott’s victory in the Senate race and Ron DeSantis’ successful gubernatorial race. However, Broward County’s Supervisor of Elections Brenda Snipes had other plans for the state. Her team was counting ballots past a mandatory reporting deadline, and would soon after “discover” bags and boxes of ballots left behind in the back of cars, school classrooms, and elsewhere, completely disregarding the chain of custody which secures these votes as legitimate…

To read more — Broward County’s elections are not secure as long as Brenda Snipes is in office — click here
