Flake Doubles Down On Dumb: Sunday’s Comic

Flake Demands Senate Pass “Unconstitutional” Bill, Vows To Block Justice

On Wednesday, Sen. Jeff Flake and Sen. Chris Coons took to the Senate floor to sell what has been deemed by experts to be unconstitutional bill in an effort to protect Special Counsel Robert Mueller.

Flake has vowed to block all judicial nominees until his fellow senators meet his demands.

The outgoing Flake’s lack of popularity kept him from running to keep his Senate seat, but it has not kept him from using what power he has left to block justice.

Flake is demanding the immediate passage of S. 2644, the Special Counsel Independence and Integrity Act.

While Flake has shown no interest in election irregularities this cycle, his bill is intended to “protect” Mueller’s investigation into alleged Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election….

To read more — Flake Demands Senate Pass “Unconstitutional” Bill, Vows To Block Justice — click here
