Jeff Flake Flails For Relevancy, Claims To Be On Republican “Team”

Jeff Flake, former senator from Arizona, appears to be struggling to remain relevant. His efforts have earned the scorn of relevant senators and former constituents.

On Friday, the still relevant Senator David Perdue, of Georgia blasted both Flake and newly elected Senator Mitt “Mittens” Romney in a Washington Post op-ed on Friday for creating “more distractions” for the GOP.

“The mainstream media and Democrats want to further divide Republicans, and now Romney has played right into their hands,” argued Perdue. “Jeff Flake filled that role before his retirement; the last thing we need now in the Senate is a Jeff Flake on steroids. We certainly don’t need more distractions. We need constructive leaders who want to get things done.”

Perdue was referring to a hit piece penned by for the Washington Post, in which he criticized President Donald Trump.

Politicos in Arizona note that while Romney might be “Flake on steroids,” Flake might be in need of another sort of drug – one for those suffering from schizophrenia.

After spending the last two years of his senatorial career bashing Republicans, and blocking conservative judicial appointments in the waning weeks of his tenure, Flake now claims he is on the Republican team:

Flake was summarily pummeled by Republican followers who accused him of “sowing discord.” Most followers simply tweeted “go away” in response. One follower spoke for many Arizona Republicans when they tweeted: “The only team you’re on is your own.”

Both Flake and Romney are looking to a run for the presidency in 2020. While Romney easily defeated his Democratic Party challenger, Jenny Wilson, for Utah’s Senate seat, Flake had no chance of retaining his. Flake opted to retire rather than face a certain and devastating loss.

“Like others who have run for president and failed, Romney has taken a stance that smacks of jealousy and resentment,” wrote Perdue. “It does nothing but serve the radical liberal left and further divides conservatives.”

It was Flake’s apparent jealousy and resentment and turned Arizona Republicans against him for the most part. That, and his very obvious contempt he held for the grassroots of the Party.

“We are on track to change the nation’s direction for the better,” he wrote. “We are on track to restore economic opportunity, fiscal responsibility, limited government and individual liberty,” wrote Perdue. “I hope Romney, who plans to caucus with Republicans, will reconsider continuing his harmful behavior as he begins his Senate career.”

For the grassroots in the Republican Party, the fact that Flake isn’t in office is a sure sign that the Senate is on “track to change the nation’s direction for the better.”

Related article: AZ Republicans Asking Who Is The Idiot After Flake, Giles Caught On Hot Mic

ArizonaflakeJeff FlakeperdueromneySenateTrump