Bill to repeal requirement that doctors try to save fetuses that survive abortion fails

On Wednesday, members of the House Judiciary Committee voted down HB 2696, with no one voting for it in the end. The bill would have repealed a law that requires lifesaving measure for babies who survive abortions.

“Over 600 Arizonans, not willing to follow New York’s lead in passing extreme abortion laws, packed House hearing rooms in protest of HB 2696. Protesters made it clear to lawmakers behind the ruthless bill that they stood alone if they repealed protections for babies born alive during an abortion,” according to the Center for Arizona Policy.

Sponsored by 17 house members, HB 2696 originally would have repealed a 44-year old law requiring abortion providers to use all available means and medical skill to save babies born alive during an abortion. Even the amended version would have left staff unequipped to carry out their duties.
