Ducey Signs Goldwater-Backed Blow Dry Bill

Phoenix – Governor Ducey signed SB 1401, a bill that frees blow-dry stylists to work without costly licenses by cutting regulatory requirements. With the blow dry bar industry booming in Arizona the bill is welcome relief across the state.

Currently, Arizona treats people who work in the blow dry bar industry the same as those in traditional cosmetology despite the fact that they don’t use scissors or razors in their work.

The signed bipartisan, Goldwater-backed bill makes Arizona the second state in the country to eliminate the costly, time-consuming license for blow-dry stylists.

“Professional women and men should have the right to earn a living without government permission—and certainly without the threat of fines and jail time,” said Goldwater Institute Director of Government Affairs Jenna Bentley. “In Arizona, blow drying someone’s hair without a license was a crime punishable by up to six months in jail and a $2,000 fine. Thanks to this bipartisan reform, blow-drying is no longer a crime, and Arizona is a place that truly honors blow-dry stylists’ right to earn a living.”

Arizonablow dryDuceyGoldwater InstituteJenna Bentley