Can Schweikert Save Them? Sunday’s Comic

From Espresso Pundit:

Ron Hansen Ignores Grijalva but Piles on Schweikert

Did you read the article about the Arizona Congressman who is mired in a 4 year ethics investigation and has the least amount of cash on hand of any member of the Arizona delegation? Some would argue that he is vulnerable despite his safe district.

Of course, I’m talking about Raul Grijalva. And no, you didn’t read the article because the Republic hasn’t written it. Instead, we get endless stories about in which Ron Hansen speculates that David Schweikert may be in trouble.

If you want to see the lengths that Hansen will go to ignore the Grijalva story, check out this paragraph.

To read more — Ron Hansen Ignores Grijalva but Piles on Schweikert >>

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azcentralEspresso PunditGrijalvaRon HansenSchweikerSchweikert