America, Who Are We Now?

By Ira Marks

In the waterways coming into New York Harbor stands the Statue of Liberty. It welcomes all immigrants seeking a better life.

So, why are we keeping, infants, children and mothers (parents) in internment camps?

Hitler started this way in Nazi Germany. As a History teacher from Brooklyn, NY, I am now ashamed of the United States. We were once thought of as the greatest country in the world.

Hitler started with internment camps, then moved people to detention camps and finally concentration camps which eventually became death camps.

Where were the German people? Right where America is now. Every Congressional Representative regardless of political party should visit the Trump  internment camps and explain why all children are separated from family and put in there? Are they being punished for being bad boys and girls?

America, where is our outrage? Many of us are thankful that our grandparents were not treated this way why they sailed NY and landed in Ellis Island searching for a better life.

What do our former Allies think about us? The American people who came to their aid in their countries to stop Hitler’s plan to take over the world?

What do our Allies think of the new America headed by Donald Trump? A boorish man who insults and demeans prominent world leaders elected by the people who oversee free countries and he cozies up with Dictators whose people live under an iron rule? Is Trump grooming us for his vision as our dictator? He has already said he thinks he deserves 6 years for his first term because it was hard for him and that he would challenge the 2 term rule for Presidents. America I hope you are listening and paying attention, not just ignoring him as an eccentric and making excuses for him. He does have a plan.

Can our Allies trust us as Trump has a tantrum and puts tariffs on countries when they displease him? Who are our allies today after Trump’s demolishing our years of diplomacy?

How can we tell our children that it is okay to hurt and punish children with interment camps separated from their parents just because Trump wants to make a statement to refugees who are sacrificing their lives to flee from places that are no longer safe for their families?

Please keep this in mind from Pastor Martin Niemollen

“First, the Nazi soldiers came for the socialists, and I did not speak out because I was not a socialist.

Then, they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out because I was not a trade unionist.

Then, they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew.

Then, they came for me and there was no one left to speak to for me.”

Tucson has been an example for the world as they have set up asylum facilities for refugees awaiting adjudication in churches, community centers, vacant building, private homes etc.

Most of us are sitting on the sidelines watching. I wonder when Trump is going to come for us because he does not like our affiliations, politics or comments. Or will he just declare himself “Supreme Leader” with an executive order?  Pay attention America. With every executive order that he puts upon us with no challenge from Congress, he is testing the waters. He has a plan.

America, just who are we now?

Editor’s Note: An Arizona Daily Independent reporter was one of the first journalists to witness children in cages during the Obama administration. Unfortunately, there are still those out there who choose to believe that the caging of children began with the Trump administration.
