Senate Confirms Liburdi, New Federal Judge For Arizona

PHOENIX — Michael Liburdi, who was formerly Gov. Doug Ducey’s top staff attorney, was confirmed 53-37 on Tuesday, by the U.S. Senate.

Liburdi served as Ducey’s general counsel during the governor’s first term. The judge is currently a shareholder with the Phoenix office of the firm of Greenberg Traurig.

“As Arizona’s senior Senator, I will evaluate every nominee based on whether he or she is professionally qualified, believes in the role of an independent judiciary, and can be trusted to faithfully interpret and uphold the rule of law,” stated Arizona Senator Kyrsten Sinema. “After knowing him for many years, meeting with him, and carefully considering his nomination, I believe Mike Liburdi meets those high standards and I support his nomination to the Federal Judiciary.”

federal courtMike Liburdi