Negotiations Set To Resume November 14 As ASARCO Strike Continues

Tucson – Last week, the United Steelworkers confirmed that negotiations for a new contract covering about 2,000 hourly workers at five ASARCO, LLC, locations in Arizona and Texas will resume on November 14, 2019.

Members of eight international unions have been on an “unfair labor practice” (ULP) strike since Oct. 13, when workers rejected the Grupo México subsidiary’s “last, best and final” offer.

“We do not expect that ASARCO will propose anything radically different from the offer its employees overwhelmingly rejected two weeks ago,” LaVenture said. “We do expect the employer to honor its obligation under federal law to negotiate in good faith with us, and we are willing to stay at the table as long as it takes.”

“When we eventually resolve these issues and win the fair contract that ASARCO desperately wants to deny its workers, it will be thanks to the bravery and dedication of the men and women on the picket lines,” LaVenture said. “The history of organized labor teaches the same lesson in many different times and places, and we truly know that workers who are united in solidarity can accomplish great things against long odds.”

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ArizonaASARCOASARCO StrikeStrike