McCain’s Next Target? Sunday’s Comic

Meghan McCain Slams Nikki Haley Over ‘Ignorant’ Confederate Flag Defense

Conservative commentator and “The View” co-host Meghan McCain attacked former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley for her recent statement about the Confederate flag Friday.

“This is a deeply insensitive and ignorant thing to say Nikki,” McCain said in a tweet. “There is no room for any defense of the confederate flag.” (RELATED: ‘You Feckless Unpatriotic Cowards!’: Meghan McCain Unloads On White House For Abandoning Kurds)

McCain’s comments came as a number of people criticized Haley on Friday after a clip from an interview she gave to The Blaze went viral on Twitter…

READ MORE — Meghan McCain Slams Nikki Haley Over ‘Ignorant’ Confederate Flag Defense >>

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