Robertson’s Robber: Sunday’s Comic

Glendale Mayoral Candidate Robertson Signature Collection Practices Raise Challenge

Glendale – On Friday, the petitions of Mayoral Candidate Michelle Robertson were challenged in court and among the facts uncovered was that Robertson hired numerous people to go door-to-door during the Conoravirus pandemic to collect signatures to get her on the ballot, including at least one felon who had plead guilty to the charge of felony burglary.

Additionally, there were numerous pages filled with fraudulent signatures that were simply made up for the Robertson campaign and additional examples of voters who claimed that they never signed the petitions, indicating that the names on the petitions were forged as a way of trying to qualify Robertson for the ballot.

Robertson also submitted petitions filled out by circulators who, in an attempt to disguise their own real identity, gave false information on the circulator portion of the petitions…

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