The Power To Confuse: Sunday’s Comic

Report: APS failing to help customers understand electricity plans
By Joe Dana

PHOENIX — A new independent report harshly criticizes Arizona’s largest power company, APS, for not doing enough to help customers save on their bills.

The report also accuses APS of failing to implement mechanisms to determine if customers comprehended the menu of billing options that went into effect in August 2017 and remain in place today.

One Corporation Commissioner says the findings confirm APS’s customer outreach efforts over the past three years have been a “dismal failure.”

The Arizona Corporation Commission ordered the consultation in response to a grassroots consumer complaint filed against APS and a subsequent rate review last year. Maine-based energy consultant Barbara R. Alexander analyzed APS’s Customer Education and Outreach Plan…

READ MORE — Report: APS failing to help customers understand electricity plans >>

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apsArizona Corporation Commission