Boy Oh Boyer: Sunday’s Comic

Senate Commits Hari-Kari In Effort To Block Maricopa County Election Audit

Monday’s vote by the state senate resulted in the rejection of a resolution which would have held Maricopa County’s Board of Supervisors (BOS) in contempt for ignoring legislative subpoenas, but many participants saw the outcome as a weakening of the Arizona Legislature’s long-term ability to ensure state laws are administered properly.

All 30 senators took part in the floor session Monday afternoon to vote on Senate Resolution 1005, which would have allowed Senate President Karen Fann to have Maricopa County’s five supervisors arrested for thumbing their nose at two legislative subpoenas related to the 2020 General Election…

READ MORE — Senate Commits Hari-Kari In Effort To Block Maricopa County Election Audit >>

Kelli WardPaul Boyer