Dear Leader’s Press Conference: Sunday’s Comic

Meghan McCain blasts media reaction over Biden Press conference

“The View” co-host Meghan McCain blasted the media Friday over its coverage of President Biden’s first formal press conference.

McCain began on Friday by disclosing that she “loves” Biden as a person, but expressed that “our role as the fourth estate” is to “told the president and the press’ feet to the fire.”

“I just want to present a scenario where somehow magically President Trump got re-elected. And in the first 60 days of him being reelected. he didn’t do a press conference. When he finally did a press conference he didn’t talk or answer one question about the pandemic and he didn’t answer any questions from any media that didn’t agree with him,” McCain explained. “Peter Doocy, was not called on, Fox News wasn’t called on, which I think is a huge miss for President Biden yesterday…”

READ MORE — Meghan McCain blasts media reaction over Biden Press conference >>

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