Ward Goes Mole: Sunday’s Comic

Wards Targets Plaintiff In Suit Against AZGOP With Profanity And More

One Republican forwarded screen shots of a Facebook scrum involving Arizona State Committeeman Bill Beard, who is one of two plaintiffs suing the Arizona Republican Party and its Chairwoman Kelli Ward to force them to follow the party’s bylaws and audit the January party elections, and Michael Ward, the husband of Kelli Ward and a frequent combatant in online and in-person battles.

While Beard was posting updates about the ongoing efforts, he was urged to “stop spewing your anti-Kelli Ward rhetoric” in a Facebook group for Republicans in LD15.  Beard asked for clarification on what kind of content was allowed or if just anti-Ward content was being censored, which prompted Ward to jump in and opine that Beard was “…just a loser troll…”

READ MORE — Wards Targets Plaintiff In Suit Against AZGOP With Profanity And More >>

azgopBill BeardKelli Wardmike ward