Maricopa County Supervisors Refuse To Turn Over Router, Agrees To Settle With Special Master Oversight


maricopa county supervisors

PHOENIX, AZ – The Maricopa County Board of Supervisors voted on Friday evening to settle with the Arizona Senate, agreeing to the appointment by the court of a Special Master to handle questions involving the County’s routers as part of the audit of the 2020 general election.

“Under threat of losing hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue sharing, today Maricopa County settled with the State Senate, a victory for election integrity and the Arizona taxpayer,” said Senate President Karen Fann. “The agreement set up a Special Master paid for by the County, who will get the answers to questions the Senate has concerning the routers and splunk logs used in the 2020 Election. Former Congressman John Shadegg will serve as the Special Master working with the computer technology experts.”

“The Senate will finally get the answers to the questions asked for in the subpoenas issued to the County months ago,” continued Sen. Fann. “In addition, the County has agreed to drop its Notice of Claim of $2.8 million to replace election equipment delivered to the Senate as required in the January subpoena. Experts have told us there is nothing that has been compromised or damaged by the audit, and the Secretary of State failed to follow procedures regarding the decertifying the machines. There is no reason taxpayers should be on the hook for purchasing the necessary new election equipment.”

Fann said she looks “forward to getting our final questions answered and wrapping up the review of the election in Maricopa County.”

The Senate had subpoenaed the routers as part of its audit of the County’s controversial handling of the 2020 General Election.

In late August, the Arizona Attorney General’s Office, in response to a complaint filed by Senator Sonny Borrelli, has determined the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors is in violation of state law for failing to comply with the Arizona Senate’s legislative subpoena.

The Arizona Attorney General’s Office (AGO) notified the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors that if they failed to resolve the violation within 30 days, the AGO, in accordance with state law, would notify the Arizona Treasurer to withhold state revenue from Maricopa County until MCBOS complies.

Over 40 percent of the county’s $1.6 billion general fund revenues was at risk. With as much as $676 million on the line, the supervisors had little choice but to settle.

When the Board of Supervisors refused to comply earlier this year, the Court ruled the subpoenas did not violate the separation of powers principles, and producing subpoenaed materials would not violate confidentiality. The majority of the Board of Supervisors publicly welcomed that decision after it came out and chose not to appeal. however, they have been intransigent on the subject of the routers.

Borelli filed a “SB 1487” complaint at the suggestion of attorney Alex Kolodin. The complaint was filed under A.R.S. § 41-194.01, which authorizes any legislator to request the Attorney General investigate a county or city alleged to be in violation of state law.

Correction: This article erroneously noted that the vote of the supervisors was unanimous. Supervisor Gallardo voted no.

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