Paradise Valley Parents Stunned By Proposed Math Textbook

Once again, Arizona parents are finding themselves wondering how poor quality and politically charged material is making its way into their kids’ classrooms, and how much yet to be discovered material is still out there? The most recent material in question involves proposed curriculum for Precalculus.

According to parents, the Paradise Valley Curriculum Committee has vetted a new math textbook. By law, the materials must now be available for review by parents and other stakeholders prior to a vote by the Governing Board to approve or reject materials for classroom use.

Concerned parents, who had an opportunity to view the material this week, posted it on private Facebook page with the following message: “It appears most subjects are now embedded with political and cultural materials to slowly indoctrinate children. If you want to keep the focus on math and not the leftist agenda, please let the curriculum team, Dr. Bales and the school board know this week. Attached are 2 great examples from one of the high school math books Precalc. Thanks to the moms digging in. We are forever grateful.”

Project Implicit is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and international collaborative of researchers who are interested in implicit social cognition. The mission of Project Implicit is to educate the public about bias and to provide a “virtual laboratory” for collecting data on the internet. The organization’s website offers the following disclaimer: In reporting to you results of any IAT test that you take, individual researchers who have contributed to this site, make no claim for the validity of these suggested interpretations.

One of the proposed books (see above), Pearson’s Precalculus 6th Edition by Robert F. Blitzer, (©2018), not only offers material that parents say is politically charged, but oddly out-of-date compared to today’s “woke culture” concepts.

Using many of the most common concepts and policy positions embraced by progressives, the author attempts to teach fairly basic math in the most convoluted way, even if not always in the most relevant way. For example, in the author’s treatment of climate, he uses Al Gore’s 2006 “global warming” language as opposed to the newer phrasing “climate change” that is preferred by climate equity activists.

In another chapter, the author seeks to use the study of algebra to teach the mathematics students about student loan debt, the effects of alcohol, the meaning of the national debt, ethnic diversity in the United States, and the widening imbalance of women and men on college campuses. He writes, “This chapter reviews fundamental concepts of algebra that are prerequisites for the study of precalculus. Throughout the chapter, you will see how the special language of algebra describes your world.”

Kerwin Franklin, a mother of five boys in the District has serious concerns about the texts. She says all parents should have a voice in accepting or rejecting curriculum for their schools and participation should not be limited. Parents need transparency in education and all materials should be listed and available for review at their convenience.

“Social Emotional Learning is one of the biggest detractors our educators have when trying to focus on academics,” says Franklin. “I believe our legislators have done both our children and teachers a huge disservice in our state by passing this legislation. I ask that they educate themselves and address this immediately. We as parents need to focus on having parental representation on our school boards that put kids’ interests above these political agendas.”

blitzerkerwin franklinParadise Valleypearsonprecalculus