Biggs Demands Hearing On The Treatment Of January 6 Protestors

On Tuesday, Congressman Andy Biggs, along with 20 colleagues, sent a letter to Chairman Jerry Nadler and Chairwoman Carolyn Maloney demanding that House Judiciary and House Oversight & Reform Committees hold hearings on the treatment of January 6 defendants being held at the DC Department of Corrections.

“There is clear mistreatment of the individuals being held in the DC jail for charges related to Jan 6th,” said Biggs in a press release. “There is NO excuse for keeping them in these abhorrent conditions and continuing to impose solitary confinement – a punishment that even some on the Left have condemned. It’s time for Chairman Nadler and Chairwoman Maloney to set aside any political motivations, do their job, and hold hearings so that we can get to the bottom of this.”

“The atrocious and inhumane conditions for PRE-TRIAL detainees at the DC Gulag are a clear example of the two-tiered justice system in America. BLM / Antifa domestic terrorists are allowed to walk free after burning down our cities with violent riots, but suspected J6 defendants are subjected to worse treatment than convicted terrorists in Gitmo. This situation must be investigated and the officials responsible must be terminated from their positions, starting with avowed Trump-hater Deputy Warden Kathleen Landerkin,” stated Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene.

“Deputy Warden Landerkin is using her position to torture her political opponents in a system where justice is supposed to be blind,” said Congresswoman Mary Miller.

“Reports of the abusive treatment of prisoners and gross violations of their constitutional rights are extremely disturbing and demand immediate investigation,” said Congressman Bill Posey. “Congress must hold hearings to ensure transparency and accountability.”

“Regardless of the charges an incarcerated person faces, correctional authorities should respect and uphold their civil rights and protect their health and safety. In this country, they have the presumption of innocence. They have not faced trial. And even convicted criminals should get adequate medical care and proper food. They are human beings. The reports coming out of the D.C. Department of Corrections are deeply concerning, and Congress should use our oversight authority to investigate,” said Congressman Barry Moore.

“The severe mistreatment of January 6 defendants is greatly disturbing and totally unacceptable. While the liberal media has turned a blind eye to reports of neglect, nothing can hide the Left’s desire to persecute their political dissidents through solitary confinement, insufficient medical care, and other inhumane conditions. Congress must swiftly investigate these atrocious allegations – failing to do so signals to the American people that House Democrats condone this egregious abuse of power,” said Congressman Andrew Clyde.

Andy Biggsjanuary6