Biden Outperforms Trump: Sunday’s Comic

White House Tweet Claiming Biden Created More Jobs Than Any US Prez Draws Flak From Voters

The White House on Saturday shared statistics claiming that US President Joe Biden has created a maximum number of jobs in his tenure so far, which is more than any American president in history. Taking to Twitter, the President touted “we’ve created more jobs in the first eight months of my administration than any president in American history.” Referring to the total number of jobs offered, he also stated that the average of jobs created in a month also topped the record of any other American president. Citing the statistics that showed over 5,50,000 jobs were “created” for citizens, another tweet also claimed that under Biden the unemployment rate also went down “the most since 1939.”

However, the Tweet drew massive flak online. Outraged Twitteratis mocked the ill-informed post, accusing the White House of “propaganda” and spreading “lies.” While some pointed out the lack of accuracy as the chart did not include factors like population and workforce growth, others said the stats did not take the pandemic into account. As per experts, the graph also omitted the factor of resignations and a wide number of people who were re-employed, which largely hinders the overall representation of actual jobs created. Take a look at the graph here…

READ MORE — White House Tweet Claiming Biden Created More Jobs Than Any US Prez Draws Flak From Voters >>>

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