Movie Review: “Don’t Look Up” (Warning To Dimsheviks)

A while back, the ‘Planet Wokerston’ Wing of the Dimshevik Party—took a much-deserved vacation from its normal, Biden-induced ‘sturm & drung’.  They went to the movies!

[I contend it was an opportunity for the cosmic monkeywrench to send them a warning ….to stop taking themselves so seriously.  The universe agreed]

So during this lull, when the ‘Rona was doing a winding-down-head-fake; the bean counters in Hollywood and their consulting, entrail-readers had just the antidote, the Dec. 5th 2021 (release date) dark comedy, “Don’t Look Up”.

The movie has a star-studded cast: DiCaprio, Streep, Blanchett, Lawrence, Rylance (Brit), Jonah Hill, Tyler Perry, and Ron Perlman.

The main theme was deeply bifurcated: on the surface level, 2 dedicated astronomers discover a planet-killer-sized comet that will hit the Earth, but we have time enough, if we can just ‘get our act together’, we can stop it.  The Director, Adam McKay later said it was all about “climate change denial.”  [Right! Ain’t buying that pony in a tall canyon]

McKay was just making nice to the Hollywood Elite, who like the Catalina Foothills crowd in Tucson, always think they’re making nice to the “little people” down below.

His real agenda was part B, of the aforementioned bifurcation:  To illustrate how totally messed-up the sociopathic character of our leadership in Washington DC has become. And I’m not the first guy who has said this about the movie.

Its initial reception got Dimsheviks all gushing & guffawing in ways only they can do (“Just my emotions count!”), for McKay’s late climate confessional.   He played it like a master fiddler at Nashville.

The Movie’s surviving duo, DiCaprio & Lawrence, at least until the grim finale, always play it straight, “the end REALLY IS coming”.  It’s the HL Mencken crowd in the movie, a.k.a. Boobus Americanus, who are cast like Trump’s MAGA crowd, oblivious until the near-end.  They’re supposedly knuckle-dragging morons who believe everything Big Media slings their way.  And Big Media isn’t having any of this ‘end of the world’ stuff; it has terrible ratings.

McKay’s juxtaposition here is a great commentary on the disconnected DC fantasy about America’s provinces outside the Potomac Swamp.  One has to live inside the Beltway to fully grasp the nature of that bubble; I did.

Don’t Look Up’s not-so-subtle beauty is the realistic portrayals of the President (Meryl Streep), her advisors (headed by Jonah Hill) and the uber-clever tech zillionaire (Mark Rylance) who everyone knows is just soooooooo brilliant.   Reminding this writer of all the Bernie Madoff victims; rich, clueless & gullible Dimshevik geezers.

In DLU, the warning for Dims is the same one Bill Mahr has been voicing for 5 years.  Pedigree worship at the altar of supposedly smart people.   Locally, there’s no better example than the Tucson City Limits and the sinecured UA cognoscenti.

It’s too bad Tucson’s looming demographic trainwreck has simply gone over their heads.

Sellers is a Southpark Republican living in incorporated Oro Valley; his background is federal technology commercialization

don't look upmovie reviewtucson